Project Life

It's about quality of life for Ahmed
Ahmed is a 9 year old boy from Tunisia who was born with a club foot, has worn braces all his life, is nonverbal, has never received dental care, is developmentally delayed, and has left facial paralysis.
He has come to the United States seeking medical care that was unobtainable in Tunisia. He has never seen a dentist. He has never attended school. He has been isolated and never allowed to associate with other children. Project Life has had the privilege, since they arrive in the United States in January 2023, to support improving his quality of life. We continue to raise funds to support the ongoing needs to improve Ahmed’s quality of life. We are asking for your help to support this initiative as well.

United States Canada
Ahmed seeking medical care
Ahmed has other medical tests ahead of him. He will need oral surgery which will require a sleep study, genetic testing, and an autism evaluation.

Ahmed seeking medical care
Ahmed has received several medical evaluations. The most prominent medical problem was his persistent vomiting and inability to retain what he ate and that resulting in serious weight loss that was going to require the use of a feeding tube. Ahmed was able to be seen by a motility clinic at Yale that was able to diagnose him with ruination syndrome. Since then, medication has caused the persistent vomiting to subside. He still must complete a series of genetic tests. Never having seen a dentist, he has multiple problems with his teeth and requires oral surgery. Due to his developmental problems, this oral surgery will require anesthesia, and to obtain anesthesia, he requires a sleep study. He has yet to be evaluated for autism. He has asthma, which requires frequent monitoring due to reactions to some routine medications.

Ahmed over the summmer
Over the summer, Ahmed had the opportunity to play with other children during activities arranged through Project Life. He was able to visit the zoo, go to the beach, and visit Niagara Falls. He is still shy due to little interaction with other children, but he is slowing beginning to integrate. He loves the water so time at the beach was very relaxed and comforting. We hope to continue to expose Ahmed to many more activities that will support the expansion of this experiences.
Ahmed at school
Ahmed has never attended school before. With the support of Project Life, Ahmed was enrolled in school and is now able to attend a school for special needs children. Ahmed loved his first day of school so much that he did not want to get out of van when he returned home. At the school open house, teachers and staff spoke highly of him and commented on how bright and easy going he was. For the first time, he was able to hold crayons and color. He has also begun to recognize letters and numbers in English. He has begun to develop learning routines that will support his continual learning.

What is Project Life?
Project Life was inaugurated in 1997. Since then, it has brought and hosted 136 orphans from the troubled lands of Bosnia, the North Caucasus (Chechnya and Ingushetia), Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka to the peaceful, rural countryside of western New York state. Project Life is staffed by dedicated, passionate volunteers. They work tirelessly in this program that works to restore the lost childhood of innocent victims of war and natural disasters. These children have suffered trauma, hardship, and losses, and they are not seeking long-term foster care or adoption in the United States. After a few months, the children return to their native countries where they live with close family members.
All the children under the care of Project Life receive regular medical, dental, and vision care, and are provided prescriptions medications free of charge. Over the years, a few of the children arrived with undiagnosed health conditions and have remained in Western New York to receive the care they so desperately need.